This publication presents itself as a derive and another activation instance
Touring Xochimilco with en Giro y a la Olla
En Giro y a la Olla was for 5 months in the landscape of Xochimilco investigating, sharing and creating scenic situations within the framework of CoLaboratory Kitchen.
Understanding agricultural production systems as processes of knowledge-practice-production located in a territory and in a historical time, we propose elements that have been crucial in the process of investigating the Chinampera-Xochimilca daily life and in generating new questions about the body.
We have created an open collage and decided to name them as: dancing bodies; drifts-landscapes; hands-giving; corn-sustain and extended family-portraits.
Mover y Fermentar,
San Gregorio Atlapulco, Xochimilco, Cdmx
December, 2021

Sobre la Mesa,
Centro de Xochimilco, Cdmx
February, 2022

El Convite,
Taller el Ahuehuete, Ayécatl, Xochimilco, Cdmx
February, 2022