Cooking, Ecology


Juan Carlos Villegas Cuevas

Etnofood Oaxaca

Juan Carlos Villegas Cuevas has more than a decade of experience in community work developing social projects, he specializes in environmental issues, has three degrees that support his experience; political science, sociology and cultural management and sustainable development. He is and has been a volunteer in programs such as slow food, sife, enactus, semarnat, network of Latin American school gardens and speaker in local, regional or national forums, as well as having recognition in the environment area and the State Award in Environment together with his Permaculture team University.

His experience has led him to work with researchers on issues of food, care of the environment and in programs that strengthen community work and the development of projects for the benefit of the environment, in recent years he has held forums for young people on environmental issues environment and dissemination of sustainable development goals as well as publications on the importance of urban gardens in the world. He currently coordinates the Etnofood project, a Foodlab to practice and learn from the construction of food, together with local youth to provide self-employment and a member of SFYN Academy a global platform of food action for symbolic changes. His favorite phrase is from Jean Luck Godart “It does not matter where you take it but where you take it”

In the Colaboratory Kitchen project, we are working on developing some short videos to invite people to cook locally, to recover recipes and mobilize local products.


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