Platform, Research


Forefront Project

Collaboration between Wageningen y UNAM 2016-2020

FOREFRONT, was a six year long research and practical project initiated by WUR (Wageningen University) and UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) in the  area of Marqués de Comillas in Chiapas, Mexico and other tropical regions at the frontier of biodiverse and farmed landscape. The Dutch-Mexican scientific collaboration, will also worked with other local organisations as the Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas, and wants to open the collaboration to NGOs and civil groups, such as Cascoland, to help achieve their objectives.

The aim of FOREFRONT is to research social and environmental consequences of the advancing agricultural frontier in the Selva Lacandona rainforest in the area of Marqués de Comillas and to rethink and change agricultural practices to reconcile the maintenance of biodiversity and agricultural production. The Selva Lacandona is the rapidly diminishing rainforest stretching from Chiapas well into Guatemala and which is under threat due to deforestation and agricultural activity. Therefore it will be very important to communicate and translate the outcome of this research into accessible information in order promote awareness for the urgency of change with residents of Marqués de Comillas.



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